
The Finnish Food Research Foundation provides grants for postgraduate and continuing education studies!


The purpose of the Finnish Food Research Foundation is to promote research and education that promotes the development of the Finnish food industry.

The Finnish Food Research Foundation provides grants for postgraduate and continuing education studies. It does not fund studies that are part of a basic degree. The total annual amount of grants awarded depends on the foundation’s financial resources.

The foundation may award grants for the following purposes:

1.  Grants for postgraduate and continuing education

The primary funding target of the foundation is personal grants for postgraduate and continuing education. The focus is on funding postgraduate studies (doctoral dissertations) of those who have already completed a basic degree or continuing education for those who have recently obtained a doctorate.

2.  Travel grants

The foundation may award personal travel grants to enhance the international experience and networking of Finnish researchers by supporting visits to foreign research institutes, universities, or conferences (which require a presentation of the applicant’s research). Additionally, it may provide support for inviting foreign researchers to Finland for a short period, for example to deliver a lecture series.

3. Support for conferences

The aim of supporting scientific conferences held in Finland is to enhance networking among researchers and promote the exchange of information between researchers and the industry.

4. Separate research projects

The foundation may support projects undertaken by research groups working in research institutes and universities when the topic is significant for various sectors of the food industry.

At its discretion, the foundation may also support other activities that strengthen research and education fostering the development of the Finnish food industry.

When allocating grants, the foundation takes into account the research priorities and objectives outlined in the research strategy for the food industry and the Food Research and Innovation Strategy for Finland 2021–2035.

Grant application schedule and instructions

The board of the Finnish Food Research Foundation decides on grants once a year.

The 2025 grant application period is open from 2 January 2025 to 9 February 2025.

Applicants are asked to summarise their application on this slide using font size 16.

In addition to the slide, the applicant may submit a free-form application, a research plan and recommendations if available. All files must be named in the following format: Surname_Firstname_slide, Surname_Firstname_application, etc.

If the applicant has previously received a grant, a brief free-form report on the use of the grant is requested.

Recipients of grants commit to presenting their research topics at the foundation’s events or in other ways, upon request.

Applications must be submitted by the deadline by email to assistant Jenni Vainio at, and copied to the director of the Finnish Food Research Foundation Marleena Tanhuanpää, at

The subject field of the email should read Grant application 2025.

Applicants will be informed of the board’s decisions by the end of April.
More information: Marleena Tanhuanpää, tel. +358 40 528 2207,

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