According to research data compiled by Finnish Food and Drink Industries’ Federation ETL, the Finnish food industry is one of the best in Europe terms of the sustainability of the European food industry.
Compared to other countries, food industry companies in Finland use less energy, cleaner energy, consume water more efficiently and produce less waste.
Therefore, buying food processed in Finland benefits the environment and is more sustainable than buying food produced abroad.
Food processing causes only a small amount of direct greenhouse gas emissions in Finland. Food industry companies are also increasingly interested in using industry side streams and waste to produce low-emission biogas.
Water shortages, poor water quality and heavy rainfall will affect the availability, quality and cost of raw materials essential to the food industry more frequently In the future.
In terms of water stewardship, domestic food products are more responsible compared to foreign products, as Finland naturally has abundant water resources and companies’ water abstraction rate does not exceed the renewal rate. There is also little need for irrigation.
Thus, the Finnish food chain has an excellent opportunity to turn the challenges of a changing operating environment into opportunities!
– We will be able to create sustainable growth for the food sector by strengthening the competitiveness of the food chain and increasing exports of clean and safe food. We have the potential to become a globally influential producer of food security, says Satumaija Levón, Director of Sustainability & Sustainable Development at Finnish Food and Drink Industries’ Federation.
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