Branch Associations
There are 14 industry branch associations operating in Finnish Food and Drink Industries´ Federation (ETL). They represent different sectors of the food industry and ETL’s member companies operating in them.
The branch associations monitor the development of legislation and participate in the formation of positions regarding their own sector. The branch associations are members of European sector-specific organizations that influence the development of EU-level legislation in their own industries.
Animal Feed Industries’ Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Riitta Rahkila
Membership in EU organizations: European Feed Manufacturers Federation (FEFAC)
Baby Foods Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Terhi Virtanen
Membership in EU organizations: Specialised Nutrition Europe (SNE)
Chilled Food Industries’ Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Riitta Rahkila
Membership in EU organizations: European Chilled Food Federation (ECFF)
Chocolate, Sugar Confectionery and Biscuit Industries’ Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Terhi Virtanen
Membership in EU organizations: Chocolate, Biscuits & Confectionery of Europe (CAOBISCO)
Coffee Roasters’ Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Terhi Virtanen
Membership in EU organizations: European Coffee Federation, ECF
Dairy Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Riitta Rahkila
International membership: European Dairy Association (EDA), International Dairy Federation (IDF)
Fish Processing Industry Association
Fruit & Vegetable Industries’ Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Mari Raininko
Membership in EU organizations: European Fruit Juice Association (AIJN), European Association of Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industries (PROFEL) ja Sure-Global-Fair (SGF)
The Finnish Meat and Poultry Industries’ Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Riitta Rahkila
Membership in EU organizations: Membership in EU organizations: Association of Poultry Processors and Poultry Trade in the EU Countries (AVEC), European Livestock and Meat Trading Union (UECBV), Liaison Centre for the Meat Processing Industry in the European Union (CLITRAVI)
Flour Milling Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Mari Raininko
Membership in EU organizations: The European Flour Millers’ Association (EFM), European Breakfast Cereal Association (CEEREAL)
Finnish Oilseed Product Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Mari Raininko
Memberships im EU organizations: EU Vegetable Oil and Protein Meal Industry (FEDIOL)
Grain Trade Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Mari Raininko
Membership in EU organization: COCERAL
Maltsters’ Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Mari Raininko
Membership in EU organizations: EUROMALT
Spice Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Terhi Virtanen
Membership in EU organizations: European Spice Association (ESA)
Starch Manufacturers’ Association
Secretary General: Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager Mari Raininko
Membership in EU organizations: Starch Europe
Wild Organic Products Industries’ Association
In addition, there are three associations that have outsourced their industrial policy advocacy to following associations and federations: